A downloadable game

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Few levels, easter eggs and even a boss fight in this metroid inspired adventure! I have been updating the game, scroll down to check for patch notes (idk how to use the devlog on itch.io sry :P).

This is the second game I have made, I worked on it for the last three months creating the code, sound fx, music, story, and art. Very playable state, I plan on changing some things from this build though, so any feed back is welcome. 


Shooting missles at the floor lets you rocket jump for extra height

Turning around  and pressing jump while on a wall lets you do a wall jump

Crouching while Sprinting lets you slide

*Patch 2.1* - 3/3/2020

Added button sounds to menus

Fixed hp bug

Improved level design in a few areas

Increased rocket jump height

*Patch 2.0* - 2/21/2020

Added a new boss

Added UI showing controls

Added new sound effects

*Patch 1.1*

Fixed weapon glitch that happened on game over

Added complete art  for menu :)

Added concept art to view

*Patch 1.0*

Fixed UI Mouse issue

Fixed Animations

Added Collectibles


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Androxa.zip 94 MB

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